Pursuing energy independence

Our new photovoltaic system

Astaxanthin BDI-BioLife Science carbon neutrality energy independence photovoltaic

We at BDI-BioLife Science are proud to announce the most recent development in our unwavering commitment to energy independence and carbon neutral production. With the addition of a photovoltaic installation on the roof of our algae cultivation and production plant in Hartberg, we are now capable of producing approximately 200.000 kWh of green electricity per year. The rooftop system went into operation on the 31st of March, with 496 modules yielding a total output of over 200kWp, corresponding to the average annual consumption of 50 households. While the installation does not cover the entirety of the plant’s energy needs, its implementation indicates our continued strong resolve to pursue solutions in line with our company goals of complete energy independence and carbon neutrality.

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